Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner 10.x 破解版下载

        这是一款网络漏洞扫描工具。通过网络爬虫测试你的网站安全,检测流行的攻击 ,如交叉站点脚本,sql 注入等。在被黑客攻击前扫描购物车,表格、安全区域和其他Web应用程序。75% 的互联网攻击目标是基于Web的应用程序。因为他们时常接触机密数据并且被放置在防火墙之前。



New in Acunetix Vulnerability Scanner v10

    'Login Sequence Recorder' has been re-engineered from the ground-up to allow restricted areas to be scanned entirely automatically.
Now tests for over 1200 WordPress-specific vulnerabilities in the WordPress core and plugins.
Acunetix WVS Crawl data can be augmented using the output of: Fiddler .saz files, Burp Suite saved items, Burp Suite state files, HTTP Archive (.har) files, Acunetix HTTP Sniffer logs, Selenium IDE Scripts. 
Improved support for Java Frameworks (Java Server Faces (JSF), Spring and Struts) and Ruby on Rails.
Increased web services support for web applications which make use of WSDL based web-services, Microsoft WCF-based web services and RESTful web services.
Ships with a malware URL detection service, which is used to analyse all the external links found during a scan against a constantly updated database of Malware and Phishing URLs. Read the Press Release.


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